Gene expression profiles of platelets undergo significant changes as they come in contact with tumors. Platelets with such altered phenotype are referred to as Tumor Educated Platelets (TEPs). TEPScan is a patent-pending 11 platelet gene panel that enables the AI model to detect cancer in a type and stage agnostic manner.


Once the test is ordered, a phlebotomist collects blood from the donor either at the test centre or from his doorstep. At least 6 ml of whole blood is required to attain accurate results. The blood needs to be shipped to the lab within a couple of hours to ensure entigrity of the RNA.


Platelet isolation, RNA extraction, cDNA preparation, and qRT-PCR are sequentially conducted in an accredited laboratory by well-trained lab technicians. Gene expression readouts (Ct values) are interpreted by CareOnco's proprietory AI engine, which teases out technical noise, and batch effects.


AI predicts the probability of the donor having cancer. Currently, our test only detects the exitance of cancer, not the specific type. The prediction and medical interpretation are penned into a lab report and communicated to the donor or the prescribing doctor.